Soe Thein
4 years in the legal field, specializing in Civil Law and Criminal Law in Myanmar
Su Sandar
Su Sandar holds a Bachelor Degree (LL.B) from the University of East Yangon, a prestigious University known for its legal education, and she further studying Diploma in Business Law at the Imperial Law Institute.
Zin Mon Su
Zin Mon Su holds a Bachelor Degree (LL.B) from the University of Yangon, a prestigious University known for its legal education, and also she is studying Master Degree (LL.M) specializing in Commercial Law at the Yangon University.
U Chit Lwin
U Chit Lwin got the advocate license in 1984 and he has 39 years of litigation experience including civil and criminal.
Ko Ko Ye Lwin
Ko Ko Ye Lwin is a Partner with extensive experience as a legal advisor, specializing in Myanmar law. With over 7 years of experience...
Phone Pyae Khant
U Phone Pyae Khant, a Senior Lawyer with an LL.B degree from Dagon University, Yangon, obtained in 2013. He also holds a High-Grade Pleader License acquired in the same year. With 5 years of experiences,
Kyaw Swar Lynn
Kyaw Swar Lynn has experience in the labor issues, banking, and corporate services sectors.
Zaw Tun Aung
Zaw Tun Aung has accumulated 15 years of experience in criminal and civil litigation within Yangon.
Ye Wint Thu
Ye With have three years of experience in the process of company registration, . . .